Imperfect People!

soulJust before Christmas, Lanelle and I were in a Christian bookstore when the title of a book caught my eye. It was “Soul Revolution” by John Burke. I had read another of John Burke’s books several years ago titled “No Perfect People Allowed” which had an amazing influence on me and how I view people and today’s culture. So, as I stood looking at Burke’s newest book I was once again captivated by it’s title. Well, not so much by it’s title but rather it’s subtitle. It read, “How Imperfect People Become All God Intended“. The picture also grabbed my attention.  Standing there is a guy wearing blue jeans and a brown tee shirt with tatoos up and down his arms. In his hand is a Bible. In the world of Christianity today, there are many people who walk into our churches looking just like this. At least in our church. But that’s the beauty of it all. And besides, arn’t we all imperfect people?

The most amazing reality in my own life is that God, for whatever reason, chose to not only change my life, but to use me in the church planting world. And imperfect I was and am! So much so that I question God’s judgment. Not really, but I do wonder so many times…why me? Why would God use someone like me who has made such a mess of things, at times in my life, to accomplish His work? It’s not like He can’t find people out there who have lived a more obediant life. It’s not like He can’t find people out there that are more committed. It’s not like God can’t find people out there who even have a better grasp of the Scriptures than I do. So why? The only reason I can come up with is because for whatever reason, God chooses to equip those whom He calls (the imperfect) , not call those whom are equiped (The perfect). God certainly has a way of changing people’s lives. So anyway, getting back to the book. Lanelle bought the book for me for Christmas. I am just into the first chapter, but already I like what I read. I’m looking forward to hearing how Burke answers “how imperfect people become all God intended.” I will keep you updated!

~ Pastor D.

A Vision for the Arab World

This is what I have learned so far…The Arab World consist of twenty-two countries stretching from Mauritania in the west to Oman in the east. These countries have a combined population of 323 million people. 300 million of these people are Muslims. The Arabic language forms a unifying feature of the Arab world. The majority of the people in the Arab world adhere to Islam and the religion has an official status in most Arab countries. The majority of the Arab countries adhere to the Sunni form of Islam; however Iraq, Yemen, and Bahrain are Shia majority countries. Although greatly outnumbered, there is a sizable number of Arab Christians living in the Arab countries. Today, Christians make up 9.2% of the population in the middle east. Labanon boast the greatest percentages of Christians living within its border with 39%. Syria and Egypt’s population of Christians is near 10%.

Being uniquely centered in the Arab world, Egypt is quickly becoming a staging point for those willing to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the muslim world. For the Egyptian believer, there is a burning desire to bring about change in the hearts of many and they are willing to do whatever it takes. Many times that means persecution and oppression. One group of Egyptian Christians (names withheld) are answering the call God has placed upon their lives and are taking the responsibility for the future of the emerging church which is comprised of muslims who are turning to Christ as well as nominal “Christians” who are discovering authentic Christianity for the first time. I had the greatest priviledge of meeting several from this group. They were mostly young adults who will stop at nothing to carry out the vision God has placed on their hearts. They love Jesus Christ with everything they have to offer. They are willing to put their life on the line to see people come to know Him. One in paticular was a young lady who shared with me her vision which included living for Christ even if it meant surrendering the “normal life” of an Arab young lady. She was a missionary for Christ first. It means everything to her. Somehow I believe that one day she will be known by many as one who made a difference in advancing the kingdom of God. She is certainly on the right path.

As I think about all of this, I can’t help but wonder what I might could do to help. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help. I am not sure. The one thing I am certain of is the fact that what this world needs is Jesus. We can offer humanitarian gifts of food and clothes, but what good is that if we don’t give the people Jesus. I am also certain of this…that it begins with prayer. That is something we can all do. Please join me in praying for…
1. That the harvest will continue to come to the Arab world.
2. That God will raise up young people capable of discipling new believers.
3. Pray that these groups of Egyptian Christian will continue to grow with people on fire for God.
4. Pray that God would provide funding for these missional teams.
5. Pray for the “Christian by name” living in the Arab world that they too would be evangelized.
6. Pray that there would be those of us who are willing to partner up with the missional teams of the Arab world.
7. Ask God how you might could be involved in reaching those in the hardest of all areas to reach.

Christmas has come…well, almost!

grinch_stole_christmas_ver3Well, we started decorating the house today….for Christmas. This always puts me in such a bad mood. I don’t know why really, because I love Christmas. I imagine its because putting up a tree and all is so much work for just a short time. But hey, my kids are grown now and all I really have to do anymore is get the tree down from the attic, put it together, adjust a few of those troublesome lights so they will work, and then get back to munching on homemade candy while the fam does all the decorating. My wife and Marlee, my youngest, loves it. Me and Rebecca don’t. Anyway, I don’t want to be consdiered a grinch or anything, but then again, its probably to late for that…at least with 2 here in the house. But it seems like a lot of work to me for just such a short time.

Christmas, or at least the issues surrounding it, has also become such a debate these days. It has become so political. We can’t dare say Christmas without offending someone. Nowadays people are resorting to Happy Holidays or Merry Xmas or some other boggus wordage. What’s weird is that all my life I have known others who believe differently than I do and have heard them refer to their holidays, and never once has any of that offended me. Sadly, those who don’t believe in anything, and even most Christians these days, have made it more about swapping gifts and Santa Clause than anything else. Why would ol’ Saint Nick offend anybody? I don’t get it. Anyway, from this perspective, it might not be such a bad idea if somebody did steal it. So when did Christmas become so much about everything in this world except Jesus Christ? Who knows. And let us also be reminded, Christmas was never really so much about His nativity as it was really more about His divinity! Jesus was not some little baby born in a manger. Jesus was instead was the Son of God born of a virgin birth, fully man and yet fully God, who came to live and die here on earth. He was God in the flesh!  Well, at least that’s the way I see it! Merry Christmas everyone!

A Day of Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving! As I thought about all the food I was going soldier_compassion3to dive into later today as well as the time I get to spend with my family, GOD laid upon my heart those serving abroad. Many of our men and women are not able to spend a day of Thanksgiving with their families. This morning let us remember those who are fighting for our freedom. Today let us be thankful for them. And may we ALL have a Happy Thanksgiving!         ~ Pastor D

The Big Kahuna!

The Big KahunaInterestingly, the word “Kahuna” is a Hawaiian word defined originally as a priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, or minister. By 1959, however, the term “Big Kahuna” was made popular by the film “Gidget” in describing a really big wave that all surfers long to ride.  Needless to say, over the years the term has grown in popularity. If you have ever had the opportunity to watch surfers as they ride these big waves, there are several things you notice right away. 1. The wave is gigantic! It is a huge movement of water. 2. The surfer has absolutely no control over what the wave does or where it goes. It goes where it wants to. 3. The wave is bigger than the surfer. Much bigger! 4. The surfer…well…he is just along for the ride.

When I think about what GOD is doing in the life of our church, I am blown away! No seriously, I can’t get over it! One young lady recently described CrossPointe as a “miracle in her life”. She meant it too! And I can see that. It has had the same affect on me. Here’s the thing, I see what is happening at CrossPointe kind of like the Big Kahuna. A huge large movement… of GOD!It’s gigantic! And I’m not talking about numbers. I’m talking about the magnitude of how being apart of it has changed so many lives. And like the surfer riding the “big one”, we also have no control of it. GOD does! He is responsible for where this thing is headed! And that’s a good thing because we all know GOD is much bigger than us. Much, much bigger!! But here is the greatest part of it all. Just like the surfer who one day has the opportunity to ride the big kahuna, we too are just along for the ride! The ride of a life time! What a privilege it is for me that GOD would allow me the opportunity to “ride the wave”. Without a doubt it is the most exciting thing I have ever been a part of and I can’t wait to see where this movement of GOD is going to carry us!

~ Pastor D

Carmel Cafe Latte!

Carmel Cafe Latte

Carmel Cafe Latte

For those of you who know me, Starbucks is one of my favorite meeting places. Why? Because I love their Carmel Cafe Lattes! Yesterday i met two young ladies there that had been visiting our church now for a couple of months. One was a believer…the other a life long Buddhist. As we talk we shared our stories. Time flew by as we talked and I enjoyed my latte! Then GOD showed up. Our conversation turned to spiritual things…mostly talking about how awesome God is. We talked about Christ. We talked about how Christ said He was the only way. And my new Buddist friend shared with me how empty her religion was. GOD had been drawing her closer and closer to Himself over the past few months and I shared what authentic Christianity really was. Tears were being shed and right there, in Starbucks, with people watching, we bowed our heads and she prayed to recieve Christ! Unashamedly!! GOD showed up at Starbucks drinking Carmel Lattes!!

There is never…let me say that again….there is never anything greater to me than seeing someone turn their life over to Christ! It was the greatest decision I ever made and I also honored whenever GOD allows me to be a witness to Christ transforming someone’s life. My new friend turned completely away from an empty religion and turned wholeheartedly toward a new life in Christ. No longer is she my new Buddist friend, but rather she is my sister in Christ! She says she wants to be baptized now. To that I say OK! I can’t wait to see all that GOD has in store for her and I look forward to watching her grow in her new found faith in Christ! Now if you will excuse me…I think I’ll head down to Starbucks! ~ Peace!