Imperfect People!

soulJust before Christmas, Lanelle and I were in a Christian bookstore when the title of a book caught my eye. It was “Soul Revolution” by John Burke. I had read another of John Burke’s books several years ago titled “No Perfect People Allowed” which had an amazing influence on me and how I view people and today’s culture. So, as I stood looking at Burke’s newest book I was once again captivated by it’s title. Well, not so much by it’s title but rather it’s subtitle. It read, “How Imperfect People Become All God Intended“. The picture also grabbed my attention.  Standing there is a guy wearing blue jeans and a brown tee shirt with tatoos up and down his arms. In his hand is a Bible. In the world of Christianity today, there are many people who walk into our churches looking just like this. At least in our church. But that’s the beauty of it all. And besides, arn’t we all imperfect people?

The most amazing reality in my own life is that God, for whatever reason, chose to not only change my life, but to use me in the church planting world. And imperfect I was and am! So much so that I question God’s judgment. Not really, but I do wonder so many times…why me? Why would God use someone like me who has made such a mess of things, at times in my life, to accomplish His work? It’s not like He can’t find people out there who have lived a more obediant life. It’s not like He can’t find people out there that are more committed. It’s not like God can’t find people out there who even have a better grasp of the Scriptures than I do. So why? The only reason I can come up with is because for whatever reason, God chooses to equip those whom He calls (the imperfect) , not call those whom are equiped (The perfect). God certainly has a way of changing people’s lives. So anyway, getting back to the book. Lanelle bought the book for me for Christmas. I am just into the first chapter, but already I like what I read. I’m looking forward to hearing how Burke answers “how imperfect people become all God intended.” I will keep you updated!

~ Pastor D.